Creating With Composites

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $177
This course will focus on the fundamental technology used in producing a wide range of products associated with general open molding, boat manufacturing, cast polymer manufacturing, and compression molding processing. Topics include composites manufacturing processes, gel coat applications, laminating techniques and safety procedures. Upon completion of this course, students will have the skills to work in a variety of manufacturing industries. In addition, students will have a knowledge base to sit for the American Composites Manufacturing Association’s Certified Composite Technician exam. For more information on the certification exam, go to http://www.acmanet. org/.
Instructor: McNeal
Meeting times and locations:

04/14/25 - 04/16/25
Mon, Tue, Wed 8a - 12p
Adv. Manufacturing Ctr., Room 212
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801

04/14/25 - 04/16/25
1p - 5p
Adv. Manufacturing Ctr., Room 212
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801