Fly Fishing

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $75
Experience the joy of fly fishing and increase your confidence as you explore casting, fly presentation and wading techniques. There will be discussion on aquatic insects and their life cycle, reading a river, finding fish, selecting a rod and fly line, picking the right fly, selecting wading equipment and gearing up for a trip. Bring a brown bag lunch and any fish equipment you might have to class. Shane Buckner, Instructor. All activities are on the Asheville Campus.
Meeting times and locations:

Sat 03/22/25 10a - 12p
Ferguson Allied Health, Room 432
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801

Sat 03/22/25 12:30p - 4p
Ferguson Allied Health, Room 432
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801