How to Make Money From Your Writing

Online course
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End Date:
Price: $89
This is an online class offered through Ed2Go: You really can make money with your writing. Whether you want to create your own business, add to your income, supplement your retirement, or boost what you’re earning as a writer, you’ll find the how-to’s here. You’ll learn secrets, methods, and tips to help you generate income with your writing. This class includes all the practical information that so rarely gets taught in writing classes. In most courses and social groups it’s taboo to discuss money, but not here. This course embraces it! Making money is the focus of the lessons. You’ll explore a dozen genres that can help you establish a sometime, part-time, or full-time career as a writer. Along the way, you’ll learn methods to work faster, suffer less rejection, and bring home more bacon. Fulfilling (and lucrative) writing work is waiting for you!
***IMPORTANT*** You must also sign up for this class in the A-B Tech Ed2go portal in order to be able to access the class materials. Instructions are available at Computer and Online Training webpage. On the first day of classes, A-B Tech Continuing Education Online program coordinators will send a welcome email with important information and deadlines to all students who have signed up in the Ed2go portal. Questions? Contact