Interior Decorating II

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $79
Interior decorating is an art form that transcends mere aesthetics; it is a powerful means of transforming spaces into environments that reflect personal style while serving functional purposes. You will further explore principles that elevate design beyond mere decoration. We will discuss the key elements of contemporary interior design, the importance of color theory, and integrating your personal style to create spaces that reflect your individuality while maintaining functionality. Discover how a well-decorated space can evoke a sense of balance, integrating colors, textures, furniture, and accessories into a cohesive design.
Meeting time and location:

03/10/25 - 03/31/25
Mon 6p - 8:30p
Ferguson Allied Health, Room 426
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801