Salsa, Slowly

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $81
This is a class for absolute beginners, or those who have been to a salsa class and found that it moved too quickly and they could not keep up. You will explore how to invite a partner to dance and basic salsa etiquette, including what to wear and what shoes work best. You will master the basic salsa steps and understand how to put these together into simple combos. These elements can be put together to dance to any salsa song. Come have fun and join the salsa community. This is a partner dance. Enroll and register with a partner to enjoy a night of dancing. The registration fee covers one participant.
Meeting time and location:

03/19/25 - 04/23/25
Wed 6p - 7p
Ivy, Room 205
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801