Stained Glass, Intermediate Lead Came Panels

A-B Tech Main Campus
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $87
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Do you have experience with copper foil and want to be introduced to the basics of leaded glass construction? You will explore the history of leaded glass, soldering, design, reinforcing and finishing techniques. If you have experience with leaded glass and want to improve your skills, there will be plenty of individual instruction tailored to your skill level. You will be amazed at the pieces you will produce in this class.
Meeting time and location:

03/11/25 - 04/15/25
Tue 6p - 8:30p
Ferguson Allied Health, Room 417
A-B Tech Main Campus
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801