TEAS Test Prep 2 (Math and Science)

Online course
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $89
This is an online class offered through Ed2Go: Nursing school is the first step to becoming a nurse. Admission to nursing school depends on several factors, including your score on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). The TEAS Prep 2 course prepares you for the Math and Science portion of the TEAS exam. In this TEAS exam prep course, you will learn to analyze and solve mathematical and scientific question types that are similar to common TEAS questions. By completion of this TEAS Prep 2 class, you will be fully prepared for the TEAS Mathematics and Science section.
***IMPORTANT*** You must also sign up for this class in the A-B Tech Ed2go portal in order to be able to access the class materials. Instructions are available at Computer and Online Training webpage. On the first day of classes, A-B Tech Continuing Education Online program coordinators will send a welcome email with important information and deadlines to all students who have signed up in the Ed2go portal. Questions? Contact OnlineCE@abtech.edu.