Working Smart

Buncombe County Detention Ctr
Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $70
This course (16 lessons taught over 24 hours) presents work- and life-skills to enhance an individual’s job search and workplace productivity. After laying a solid foundation of self-awareness and self-management skills, Working Smart covers topics such as employer expectations, workplace ethics and accountability, communication and problem-solving. Over two decades of research indicates that individuals with soft skills such as these are more successful in their job search and in the workplace. This course is offered at no cost to students. For more information or to register, email: or call 828-398-7934.
Instructor: Manley
Meeting time and location:

04/07/25 - 04/30/25
Mon, Wed 1p - 4p
Buncombe County Detention Ctr, 1A
20 Davidson Dr, Asheville NC 28801