FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food

Start Date:
End Date:
Price: $350
The Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (referred to as the Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation) is intended to ensure safe manufacturing/processing, packing and holding of food products for human consumption in the United States. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed by a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) who has successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls. This course, developed by the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA), is the standardized curriculum recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a PCQI. This course is taught by Lead Instructors trained by the FSPCA, who have been instructed in how to teach the FDA-recognized standardized curriculum. To successfully complete the 3-day course, a participant must be present for the entire delivery and actively participate in the exercises.
Meeting time and location:

12/03/24 - 12/05/24
Tue, Wed, Thur 8a - 5p
Webex, WEB
340 Victoria Rd, Asheville NC 28801